For all of you skeptics out there who dislike judges or distrust the judicial system, here is an opportunity that could make a difference: I want to hear ALL of your complaints and criticisms. State your comments to me and I promise to listen and follow up with a response. You have my guarantee to listen and check out your reasons, no matter how small. It is never too small a matter with me whenever the public loses confidence in its judicial base. The Judiciary System is the last bastion of the freedom and liberty we cherish in America. As a judge, I intend to protect those fundamental rights by confronting people with a simple truth:
If you can state your complaints in public, then you are also capable of doing something about them.
I want you to initiate a dialog with me to hash out the issues in our system that do not work or that fall short of expectations . Let's all step up to the plate and voice our opinions to a broader audience- Let's get ready to hear the opinion of others and expand our thinking and our way of life. Now is a good time to start.
Judge Nadelson